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About Fusion Gaming
The Fusion Gaming Community was founded in 2008. Fusion was created as a fun, laid back gaming environment to give gamers of any game a place to call home and be able to help expand the community to others around the world. The community strives off of member activity and the more that members are involved the more the community grows. So we don't just stick to one game, rather try to have as many games as possible associated with the community.
Our Mission Statement
Member Since 11/13
Being of a much older age and gaming for more than 20 years, I have never cared to be a part of a Clan. After playing with many of the Fusion Clan members I decided to give it a shot and became a member. So far it’s been a great and fun experience that I have grown to love and appreciate. They are a great bunch of guys and girls. It was a great decision. “Game On”
The Mission of Fusion Gaming is to provide the upmost gaming experience possible. And to maintain the most fun, fair, exciting, and close clan camaraderie on the Web. We strive for good clean fun, and unite in our Mission in perfecting on-line gaming. There Are No dues, profiling, cheating, or hacking. We are here to play and win!