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I have been PC gaming since the DOS days of Tank Wars. Being in a "clan" was never a goal of mine. when i fired up battlefield 4 for the first time, Pot and the other senior members made me feel at home and showed me the ropes of what it is like being in a gaming community.
Fusion SilentArrow
Being a girl, gaming was never the thing to do. I have been playing online games for a couple years, and joining a "clan" wasn't brought to my attention until recently. Meeting the group and having others to talk and discuss games with has been a pleasure. I'm glad to have made the decision to join.
Fusion DarkAngelArtist
Member Since 04/14
Member Since 03/14
i was a big competitive player back in the day, then i left that life to end up in a clan called THO who was good friends with the fusion clan members back in source. I played with Fusion for a good year as being a tho member. then THO got in to it with Fusion. the clan leader of THO was a dick i found out and told us to pick a side THO or Fusion. i went with Fusion. i got along with the members and they made me feel like i was apart of something rather then just wearing a clan tag. Ive been with Fusion for like 6 now. They are the only clan that I’ve felt welcome to be in and a part of. I’m 22 now i joined Fusion back when i was 16 or 15. It was the best idea I’ve ever had when it came to joining a clan I’ve yet to regret it. The people are crazy funny and just awesome to hang out with and talk to, Its an experience that will draw you and keep you here lol.
Fusion Master_ice6
Member Since 05/08
Over the past 6 years of being in this clan I've seen many people come and go. The people who stayed have always been the most fun, and most likeable people I've ever had the pleasure to game with. Through our good times and our bad, we have always stayed together.
Member Since 07/08
Fusion Tank
Member Since 00/00
Member Since 00/00