•No posts/topics less then 10 words long, this includes one "internet word" like "Lol" or "lmfao"
•No asking for stickies.
•No useless topics (Will result in a thread lock).
•No racism of any kind.
•No posting threads in other sections or the wrong section.
•No posting off topic posts. only post if its on topic, if not, don't post at all.
•No spamming of any kind, this includes double posting. You may bump your post 1 time per day,
and this can only be done to one post/thread a day. Not multiple.
•No Disrespecting Fusion Members.
•Do not Share you account. you are responsible for any activity created by your account.
If you choose to ignore this restriction your account, and any accounts associated with it, will be disabled.
•Do not Spam Forum Staff in any kind of way. if so you will be rewarded with a warning/ban
•Ban from the forums (Time length may vary)
•Topic closed
•Post/Topic deletion
•Movement of your thread (like to the trash thread/bin)
•Infraction warning(to many warning = temp/perm ban)
•Do not post threads in topics that they do not belong in like. Ex: Posting a thread about sigs in
a thread about Game text support
•Keep your posts clean. A maximum of two colors and two font styles are allowed.
•Do not post "Free Threads" pyramid scams such as free ipods,LCDS etc.
•Do not cross post questions, such as posting one thread topic in many different threads.If
you don't know where to post it. Then contact a forum moderator for help
thats all i got right now
•No posts/topics less then 10 words long, this includes one "internet word" like "Lol" or "lmfao"
•No asking for stickies.
•No useless topics (Will result in a thread lock).
•No racism of any kind.
•No posting threads in other sections or the wrong section.
•No posting off topic posts. only post if its on topic, if not, don't post at all.
•No spamming of any kind, this includes double posting. You may bump your post 1 time per day,
and this can only be done to one post/thread a day. Not multiple.
•No Disrespecting Fusion Members.
•Do not Share you account. you are responsible for any activity created by your account.
If you choose to ignore this restriction your account, and any accounts associated with it, will be disabled.
•Do not Spam Forum Staff in any kind of way. if so you will be rewarded with a warning/ban
•Ban from the forums (Time length may vary)
•Topic closed
•Post/Topic deletion
•Movement of your thread (like to the trash thread/bin)
•Infraction warning(to many warning = temp/perm ban)
•Do not post threads in topics that they do not belong in like. Ex: Posting a thread about sigs in
a thread about Game text support
•Keep your posts clean. A maximum of two colors and two font styles are allowed.
•Do not post "Free Threads" pyramid scams such as free ipods,LCDS etc.
•Do not cross post questions, such as posting one thread topic in many different threads.If
you don't know where to post it. Then contact a forum moderator for help
thats all i got right now