My biggest gripe with Dice, or BF4 is that, when I want to crouch. I shouldn't have to hold the button the whole time. The same goes with going prone, and when I fire a shot with a sniper rifle, I shouldn't have to go back into the scope after I fire a round. Why can't the bolt action rifle cycle a round while still aiming through the scope. There are little things that get on my nerves with BF games, and I just like the simplicity of COD.
My biggest gripe with Dice, or BF4 is that, when I want to crouch. I shouldn't have to hold the button the whole time. The same goes with going prone, and when I fire a shot with a sniper rifle, I shouldn't have to go back into the scope after I fire a round. Why can't the bolt action rifle cycle a round while still aiming through the scope. There are little things that get on my nerves with BF games, and I just like the simplicity of COD.