Battlefield 4 Server PreOrder Info

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  • Oddjob
    Junior Member
    • April 6, 2013
    • 10


    My biggest gripe with Dice, or BF4 is that, when I want to crouch. I shouldn't have to hold the button the whole time. The same goes with going prone, and when I fire a shot with a sniper rifle, I shouldn't have to go back into the scope after I fire a round. Why can't the bolt action rifle cycle a round while still aiming through the scope. There are little things that get on my nerves with BF games, and I just like the simplicity of COD.


    • Rorschach
      • January 23, 2013
      • 44


      Hey Odd,
      I am pretty sure that BF4 in the options menu you will have the choice of making things you mentioned like crouch and aim be able to hold themselves without having to hold the button. Am I right guys because in BF3 I found that I could toggle the scope to revert or to hold the zoom by toggling in the options? Never tried the crouch toggle but.... anyone else experience with this?
      "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." - Thomas Jefferson


      • Pot
        Fusion Administrator
        • August 26, 2011
        • 172

        Originally posted by Rorschach
        Hey Odd,
        I am pretty sure that BF4 in the options menu you will have the choice of making things you mentioned like crouch and aim be able to hold themselves without having to hold the button. Am I right guys because in BF3 I found that I could toggle the scope to revert or to hold the zoom by toggling in the options? Never tried the crouch toggle but.... anyone else experience with this?
        i know in settings u can change crouch and prone, not to sure about the sniper rifle. i know some snipers when u use the bolt u have to shoot let go of zoom reload and do it again. but with the multi shot rifles u do not have to zoom out every shot have yet to check the settings on that but u bet your ass ill be all up in bf4


        • Pot
          Fusion Administrator
          • August 26, 2011
          • 172

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