Fusion Gaming Xbox 360 Rules

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    Fusion Administrator
    • August 26, 2011
    • 172

    Fusion Gaming Xbox 360 Rules

    Fusion Gaming is a gaming community that has been around for 4 years. we will instil the same rules and guidelines that we currently have with the pc side of fusion gaming and enforce them into the 360. this clan is very simple to follow our rules. you must wear the clan tag at all times, you need to edit your profile and put your clan name as your name. so Fusion whatever. so that other clan members can know who is a fusion member or not.
    Xbox Name Rules

    when you join fusion you must wear are clan tag at all times.
    if we see that you are not wearing your clan tag then we will assume you have left the clan and you will be removed.

    lets say you let your sister is on your account to play games and she wants to change her name.
    you need to make sure your on vent in your comment post "Sister in on my Xbox account" or something to let us know or even post on the forums or send an admin a message on Xbox.

    if you fail to do so or remember you could be removed from this clan without warning.

    you for no reason should ever have another clan tag on your Xbox account or in game account, not even if it is after the fusion tag, this will result in removal from the clan without notice.

    Xbox Hacking Rules

    There will be no boosting/hacking/ or modded controllers. we have a very strict rule about hacking in this clan and you will be removed as soon as we have reports that your cheating.

    Xbox Clan Meeting Rules

    xbox members will start to have clan meetings on xbox live partys. after a month of doing meetings on xbox at the same time and date that the pc members have meetings we will start to have our meetings on the pc on ventrilos VOIP program. clan meetings are held every sunday at 9pm est every week. these meetings are to improve the gaming in fusion. or change the website to fit others needs.

    Xbox Verbal Communication Rules

    here at fusion gaming we are here to have fun. yes we some times shit talk. but for the most part you are not to tell other clans that they suck or other members or players in the server that they suck. the only exception to this rule is when the player is boosting or just running his mouth directly to you or the clan. yes we joke with fellow clan members that they suck this in fine unless the members tells you to knock it off.

    Xbox Clan Ops Rules

    we will be starting up mw3 clan ops again. you need to make sure your are an elite member and on the current mw3 roster so that you can play. there will be at least a 24hour notice of every clan op posted on the website and on the mw3 clan page. if you cannot make it to the clan op then let us know so we can try to get other clan members to help us out.